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KS3 & KS4 French resources.
Holidays - Transports

Holidays - Transports

LO: learn means of transportation for holidays + be able to say how you travel with justified opinion Starter (recap on tenses) + new vocab, make sentences with opinions, 3 way translation for plenary (differentiation)
Dispartion des espèces

Dispartion des espèces

Endangered animals, environment topic GCSE. Text taken from 1jour1actu.fr Worksheet include activities such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension questions and a short writing.
Vivre à l'étranger

Vivre à l'étranger

Being French and living abroad, what is it like? Text taken from 1jour1actu. Worksheet include a variety of activities such as grammar, vocabulary and comprehension questions.
Portable en France

Portable en France

Text taken from 1jour1actu.fr - worksheet to practice technology topic in French. Exercises include grammar, vocabulary and comprehension questions.


History of text messaging in France. Text taken from 1jour1actu. Worksheet includes a variety of activity such as grammar, vocabulary and comprehension questions.
Voyage - un weekend à Manchester

Voyage - un weekend à Manchester

Worksheet about travel. Text is taken from a French newspaper, 20minutes. (Higher level) The article is aimed at promoting the city of Manchester and what to visit / see / do.It is good for pupils to see how travel in the UK is promoted to French people. The worksheet includes vocabulary and comprehension (grammar challenge)
Regular Present Continuous - Learn from Home (Spanish)

Regular Present Continuous - Learn from Home (Spanish)

Lesson aimed at pupils to do at home using their workbooks. LO: To recap and practice the present continuous in Spanish Starter : translation Recap on what is the present continuous + review of ESTAR Three grammar exercises to practice + plenary questions.
Irregular Present Continuous - Learn from Home (Spanish)

Irregular Present Continuous - Learn from Home (Spanish)

Lesson aimed at pupils to do at home using their workbooks. LO: To recap and practice the present continuous in Spanish Starter : spot the mistakes and correct Review key irregular gerundives + practice One grammar exercise One listening activity One Translation activity Followed by a kahoot quiz (link in notes)
Visite virtuelle - Afrique

Visite virtuelle - Afrique

This is a virtual visit of north africa / west africa aimed at GCSE / KS4 students to help practice key vocab + discover the French speaking world. Various activities, pupils are asked to go through the presentation and take down as much information as possible to be able to do the online quiz (link attached to powerpoint) Perfect way to end the summer term (especially when stuck at home!)
Coronavirus en France

Coronavirus en France

Worksheet about coronavirus in France taken from 1jour1actu.fr I added work to go alongside it, grammar, vocab and comprehension questions. It will definitely get your pupils engaged. Very topical.
School - Revision KS3

School - Revision KS3

Lesson to recap key grammar and vocabulary linked to school (aimed at Y7/8) school subjects + opinions / reasons food + du / de la / des time + timetable translation Includes worksheet -one pen / one dice
Bruxelles (Angèle, Bruxelles je t'aime)

Bruxelles (Angèle, Bruxelles je t'aime)

This lesson includes a starter activity on key Belgian items (footballers, food, royal family etc…), explanatation on the different languages spoken in Belgium, a reading based on GCSE town vocabulary and an authentic reading challenge with a study of the lyrics of “Bruxelles je t’aime” by Angèle (video included) Handout included!
Chandeleur (Pancake challenge)

Chandeleur (Pancake challenge)

LO: to learn more about France’s Chandeleur day and be able to cook French style crepes. Various activities - watch recipes, look at food items (toppings) summary quiz + savoury pancake challenge
Monde francophone - Authentic reading

Monde francophone - Authentic reading

Reading challenge task (authentic reading) aimed at higher ability KS3 pupils / KS4 pupils Topic : the French speaking world Source : 1jour1actu Can be used in class or as homework.
Le Rap Français - part 2

Le Rap Français - part 2

Cultural lesson aimed at introducing KS3 / KS4 pupils at French rap. It includes list of "argot / verlan " words and expressions introduction to 4 rappers through reading task workout French newspaper headlines about rap watch video clips starter + exit quiz
Connect4 - can be amended

Connect4 - can be amended

This is a connect4 game that gets the whole classroom very engaged. It can be amended by Home - Arrange Selection Panel Scroll down to Table1 Click Bring to Front Amend the translations Click on Send to Back and you’re ready to play! :-) Click on the red or yellow squares to bring the token down
la négation

la négation

KS3. Objectives: to be able to form negative sentences using leisure activities as a background. Activities around ne pas / ne jamais / ne plus. Grammar and translation activities
Origins French Language - Authentic Read

Origins French Language - Authentic Read

This is an authentic reading from 1jour1actu It can be used as part of the celebrations of Francophonie week Focus on vocab search, translation, and comprehension questions. Short French intro to key historical figures (Charlemagne and Francois 1er) Can be used with Y9 / Y10 / Y11
Yr 8 - Loisirs & Technology - Conti

Yr 8 - Loisirs & Technology - Conti

A set of 4 lessons with a sentence builders aimed at Y8 on the topic of leisure and digital technology. All lessons include a variety of Conti style activities, a starter activity and a plenary quiz. The 4th lesson includes a progress check that pupils can mark themselves.
Yr 7 - Je me présente - Conti

Yr 7 - Je me présente - Conti

A set of 3 lessons with a sentence builders for Year 7 - Je me présente + a varierty of engaging Conti style activities. All lessons start with a starter quiz to recap prior learning + a plenary quiz. Can be done on workbooks or mini whiteboards. The 3rd lesson include a progress check for pupils to mark.